Wallstein Verlag

Reindert Falkenburg

Reindert Falkenburg held Professorships in Art History in Berkeley (GTU), Leiden University, and NYU Abu Dhabi; Fellowships and Visiting Professorships i. a. in Amsterdam, Boston, Princeton, Santa Barbara and Berlin.
Publications i. a.: Joachim Patinir: Landscape as an Image of the Pilgrimage of Life (1988); The Fruit of Devotion. Mysticism and the Imagery of Love in Flemish Paintings of the Virgin and Child, 1450-1550 (1994); The Land of Unlikeness - Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights (2011); Especulationes sobre el paisaje: del Bosco a Bruegel (2019).


Jan van Goyen »Painting Bad«
Jan van Goyen »Painting Bad«
Schilderachtig Landscape Imagery in Early Seventeenth-Century Dutch ...

ISBN 978-3-8353-5553-8
€ 28,00 (D) | € 28,80 (A)

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